Pat Wheeler


Pat Wheeler

Title:Professor, IEEE Fellow, Head of PEMC-UoN

Research   directions: Power Electronics and Drives


Office phone:+44 0115 951 5591


Prof Pat Wheeler received his BEng [Hons] degree in 1990 from the University of Bristol, UK.He received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering for his work on Matrix Converters from the University of Bristol, UK in 1994.In 1993 he moved to the University of Nottingham and worked as a research assistant in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.In 1996 he became a Lecturer in the Power Electronics, Machines and Control Group at the University of Nottingham, UK.Since January 2008 he has been a Full Professor in the same research group.

He was Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Nottingham from 2015 to 2018.He is currently the Faculty of Engineering’s Global Engagement Director, Head of the Power Electronics, Machines and Control Research Group, Global Director of the University of Nottingham’s Institute of Aerospace Technology and was the Li Dak Sum Chair Professor in Electrical and Aerospace Engineering from 2016 to 2020.He is a member of the IEEE PELs AdCom and is the PELS Vice President for Technical Operations.He has published 750 academic publications in leading international conferences and journals.

Recent Publications

  1. LANG, X., YANG, T., LI, C., ENALOU, H.B., BOZHKO, S. and WHEELER, P., 2020. A Dual-Channel-Enhanced Power Generation Architecture with Back-to-Back Converter for MEA Application IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 56(3), 3006 - 3019

  2. LI, ZHAN, WHEELER, PAT, WATSON, ALAN, COSTABEBER, ALESSANDRO, WANG, BORONG, REN, YINI, BAI, ZHIHONG and MA, HAO, 2020. A Fast Diagnosis Method for Both IGBT Faults and Current Sensor Faults in Grid-Tied Three-Phase Inverters With Two Current Sensors IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS. 35(5), 5267-5278

  3. SAVI, F., BARATER, D., DI NARDO, M., DEGANO, MICHELE, GERADA, C., WHEELER, P. and BUTICCHI, G., 2020. High-Speed Electric Drives: A Step Towards System Design IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society. 1, 10 - 21

  4. TOLEDO, S., MAQUEDA, E., RIVERA, M., GREGOR, R., WHEELER, P. and ROMERO, C., 2020. Improved Predictive Control in Multi-Modular Matrix Converter for Six-Phase Generation System Energies.

  5. KHOWJA, M., GERADA, C., VAKIL, G., PATEL, C., ODHANO, S., WALKER, A. and WHEELER, P., 2020. Novel Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Integrated Filter Inductor Using Motor’s Inherent Magnetics IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

  6. WANG, QI, YU, HAITAO, LI, CHEN, LANG, XIAOYU, YEOH, S.S., YANG, T., RIVERA, M., BOZHKO, S. and WHEELER, P., 2020. A Low-Complexity Optimal Switching Time Modulated Model Predictive Control for PMSM with Three-Level NPC Converter IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification.

  7. MURILLO-YARCE, D., RESTREPOY, C., RIVERA, M., WHEELER, P. and MIRZAEVA, G., 2020. Analysis of Sequential Predictive Control in Induction Motors Applications In: SPEC 2020 - IEEE 5th Southern Power Electronics Conference.

  8. PEREZ-GUZMAN, R.E., RIVERA, M. and WHEELER, P., 2020. Recent advances of predictive control in power converters In: ICIT 2020 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology.

  9. DIAZ, F., RIVERA, M., CHEVEZ, H. and WHEELER, P., 2020. Present and future of the chilean electrical grid In: ICIT 2020 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology.

  10. RIVEROS, J.A., RIVERA, M., RODRIGUEZ, C., GALEA, M., BUTICCHI, G. and WHEELER, P., 2020. Predictive torque control with fixed switching frequency for induction motor drives In: ICIT 2020 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology.

  11. TARISCOTTI, L., LINGLIN, C., WHEELER, P. and ZANCHETTA, P., 2020. Moving discretised control set - Model predictive control for dual-active-bridge In: ICIT 2020 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology.

  12. PEREZ-GUZMAN, R.E., RIVERA, M., RIVEROS, J.A., HERRERA, F. and WHEELER, P., 2020. Model predictive control applied to the three-phase neutral point clamped inverter In: ICIT 2020 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology.

  13. PEREZ-GUZMAN, R.E., SALGUEIRO, Y., RIVERA, M. and WHEELER, P., 2020. Control strategy and communication architecture for power sharing in microgrids In: ICIT 2020 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology.

  14. DIAZ, F., RIVERA, M., CHAVEZ, H. and WHEELER, P., 2020. Architectures for microgrids interconnection In: ICIT 2020 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology.

  15. RIVEROS, J.A., RIVERA, M., RODRIGUEZ, C., GALEA, M., BUTICCHI, G. and WHEELER, P., 2020. Active and reactive power control based on predictive voltage control in a six-phase generation system using modular matrix converters In: ICIT 2020 - IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology.

  16. LA ROCCA, A., KHOWJA, M., VAKIL, G., GERADA, C., WHEELER, P. and YAN, L., 2020. Thermal Design of an Integrated Inductor for 45kW Aerospace Starter-Generator In: ITEC 2020 - IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo.

  17. ZHAO, XUN, WANG, HUI, DAN, HANBING, DI, ZHENGZHANG, SUN, YAO, SU, MEI, RIVERA, M. and WHEELER, P., 2020. A Cascade PI-SMC Method for Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Machine with Matrix Converter In: APEC 2020 - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition.

  18. DIAZ, M., CARDENAS, R., IBACETA, E., MORA, A., URRUTIA, M., ESPINOZA, M., ROJAS, F. and WHEELER, P., 2020. An overview of modelling techniques and control strategies for modular multilevel matrix converters Energies. 13(18), 4678

  19. DAVID E.ACUÑA-URETA, MARCOS E. ORCHARDA and PATRICK WHEELER, 2020. Computation of Time Probability Distributions for the Occurrence of Uncertain Future Events Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 150, 107332

  20. MATIAS DIAZ, ROBERTO CÁRDENAS DOBSON, EFRAIN IBACETA, ANDRÉS MORA, MATIAS URRUTIA, MAURICIO ESPINOZA, FELIX ROJAS and PATRICK WHEELER, 2020. An Overview of Applications of the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter Energies. 13(21), 5546

  21. THOMAS GEURY, SONIA FERREIRA PINTO, JOHAN GYSELINCK and PATRICK WHEELER, 2020. Indirect Matrix Converter-based grid-tied Photovoltaics system for smart grids Energies. 13(20), 5405

  22. CHEN, L., ZANCHETTA, P., TARISCOTTI, L., WHEELER, P., COSTABEBER, A. and DRAGICEVIC, T., 2019. Model Predictive Control for isolated DC/DC converters with fast dynamic stabilization in DC microgrids In: ICDCM 2019 - International Conference on DC Microgrids.

  23. SARBANZADEH, M., HOSSEINZADEH, M.A., SALEH, A., RIVERA, M., MUNOZ, J. and WHEELER, P., 2019. Model Predictive Control for the New Reduced Multi-level Grid-Connected Converter In: ICIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology.

  24. HOSSEINZADEH, M.A., SARBANZADEH, M., SALEH, A., RIVERA, M., MUNOZ, J. and WHEELER, P., 2019. Performance Evaluation of Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Grid-Connected Converter with Model Predictive Control Technique In: ICIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology.

  25. HOSSEINZADEH, M.A., HADIIZADEH, HASSAN, SARBANZADEH, M., RIVERA, M., MUNOZ, J. and WHEELER, P., 2019. Modified H-Bridge Inverter with Reduced Number of Switching Devices In: ICIT 2019 - International Conference on Industrial Technology.

  26. ACUNA, D.E., JARAS, I., ORCHARD, M. and WHEELER, P., 2019. Bayesian Cramér-Rao Lower Bounds for Predictive Time-of-Failure Estimators IEEE Access.

  27. JI, Y., LIU, H., YONG, F., WU, F. and WHEELER, P., 2019. High Step-Up Y-source Coupled-Inductor Impedance Network Boost DC-DC Converters with Common Ground and Continuous Input Current IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.

  28. LEI, J., FENG, S., WHEELER, P., ZHOU, B. and ZHAO, J., 2019. Steady-State Error Elimination and Simplified Implementation of Direct Source Current Control for Matrix Converter with Model Predictive Control IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

  29. CHEONG, B., GIANGRANDE, P., ZHANG, X., GALEA, M., ZANCHETTA, P. and WHEELER, P., 2019. System-level motor drive modelling for optimization-based designs In: ECCE 2019 - IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition.

Research Summary

Professor Wheeler is currently researching:

  1. Power electronics for power conversion

  2. Matrix converters

  3. Multi-level converters/multi-cellular converters for high power/voltage applications in the electrical gridy

  4. Power converters for power system applications

  5. Technologies for the More Electric Aircraft